Update: The FTC  is no longer accepting comments for this rulemaking. More than 1,600 comments were filed in the proceeding, with many of you sharing your personal stories about why you support the right to repair. Thank you for taking action!

Do you care about being able to fix and modify your stuff? Then it's time to speak up and tell the Federal Trade Commission that you care about your right to repair.

As we have said before, you own what you buy—and you should be able do what you want with it. That should be the end of the story, whether we’re talking about a car, a tractor, a smartphone, or a computer. If something breaks, you should be able to fix it yourself, or choose who you want to take care of it for you.

The Federal Trade Commission has just opened a 30-day comment period on the right to repair, and it needs to hear from you. If you have a few minutes to share why the right to repair is important to you, or a story about something you own that you haven't been able to fix the way you want, click here and tell the agency what it needs to hear.

Take Action

Tell the FTC: Stand up for our Right to Repair

If you’re not sure what to say, there are three topics that matter most for this petition. The FTC should:

  • Make repair easy
  • Make repair parts available and reasonably priced
  • Label products with ease of repairability

If you have a personal story of why right to repair matters to you, let them know!

This is a great moment to ask for the FTC to step up. We have won some huge victories in state legislatures across the country in the past several years, with good right-to-repair bills passing in California, Minnesota, Colorado, and Massachusetts. Apple, long a critic, has come out in favor of right to repair.

With the wind at our backs, it's time for the FTC to consider nationwide solutions, such as making parts and resources more available to everyday people and independent repair shops.

EFF has worked for years with our friends at organizations including U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) and iFixit to make it easier to tinker with your stuff. We're proud to support their call to the FTC to work on right to repair, and hope you'll add your voice to the chorus.

Join the (currently) 700 people making their voice heard. 

Take Action

Tell the FTC: Stand up for our Right to Repair